I voted for the first one. I always have held the opinion that if there is to be a fourth GF that I would like to see Vito's rise to power.

I want to see what happened between Fannucci's murder and Vito being a powerful Don. I think if that were to happen then we could go into the second choice, because we would no doubt see Sonny/Michael/Fredo/Connie as children and be able to see how Vito is as a young father/husband. More of mama would be great as well. Perhaps we'd get a fuller understanding of why she is so highly thought of and well-liked.

I'd like to see Vito say "either your signature or your brains will be on the contract." Or when he told Michael "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." How the relationship between Vito and Clemenza developed. So much storyline I think is possible. As opposed to going into the Vincent thing (who seemingly came out of nowhere ). I would be very disappointed if they went in that direction (and last word, that's what it sounded like), however I will definitely see it and try to go into it with an "open" mind, even tho, I wouldn't be as enthusiastic as I'd be if they went back instead of forward.


PS, Too, I think we need to realize that the first two GF were "outstanding" films, and III, well, not that good by many opinions. I think we need to be happy if they make a GFIV that is "Very Good" cause I doubt there will be an equal to the first two (not in our lifetime anyway). Ahh....but we can hope!

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon