Pherdy, I am completely serious about publishing it, and/or directing it myself. I am dreaming of it in a moving, grand, vision that is slowly mesmerizing me. 'The Godfather' along with other Coppola films including a docu-drama based on Radu Florescus work on the real Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, his execution of a Saint and final defeat at the hands of his own men. A sequel to 'Apocalypse Now' called 'TOTAL WARFARE' with the tagline from Nieztche 'The world is deep... deeper than day can comprehend'. This script chronicles Kurtz's life from a young lieutenant in the special forces during WW II untill the final scenes parallel those of 'Apocalypse Now', and end as army generals who arrive at the ancient jungle temple witness Kurtz's body, and the words 'apocalypse now' written in Kurtz's blood in the stone floor of the temple. Also Hemingway's novel 'Islands in the Stream', a poorly interpreted novel that I feel would lend itself to a visual feast in a feature length film. 'Islands' I am planning on directing myself one day. GF IV is, for me, a literary event rather that a mafioso doco-drama. I am not trying to chronicle a possible interpretation of history as an historian would. That is sort of the case with dracula, but only based on Florescu's work (he is a professor emeritus of history)(he has a web site). History is a source of knowlege of the origin in metaphysical relationships. From a literary standpoint, I don't think mixing fact and fiction works, or is particularly publishable. I don't have much experience in this field, but I have never felt I have been far wrong yet in my intuitions. Your outline is a rich source of ideas, knowledge about realities in the mob past and present. I don't agree the Vincent is developed in his charactorization to take over as Godfather, he simply is far too vapid. This is the Trilogy site, maybe that is history as far as the members of this site are concerned. Artistic creativity stems from challenging the known and excepted. I am not trying to tell people what they already know and except, but that that is beyond the edge of our common consciousness. I challenge our predjudices, illusions, preconceptions, and our egoistic sense of well being. I feel there is a lot to learn from this website. I only had accessed it for a few hours before posting my script last Sunday.