I love this new approach for a GF4 story, most people are more interested in 30's stories of the Family rise...

the whole idea of GF3 was to have the main character in the series (michael Corleone) punished for the sins he comitted in the past, the ultimate price he's paying with the death of his daughter. that's about as low as he could ever get, and he got there. there, Michael died. Not physically (which he died in 1997 according to the "official" DVD timeline), but emotionally.
that way, I can not imagine Michael being succesfull in any way ever again. not as a businessman, certainly not as a mobster and definitely not as a Family man. running Immobiliare with his son? cruising to Monte Carlo on a beautiful boat with a 30 year younger wife? having 'fun' in his life again? I can't picture him doing any of these things after Mary's death..

also, I missed a plot. Vincent becoming the new Imobbiliare boss, that's it? that can't be the plot. is he taking over from Vincent, as the new mob head too? or is the Family finaly 100% legitimate? what about subplots, where are the gangster stories...?

I do you love your cinematographic descriptions and the fact you already made up a tagline (or is it an official subtitle?) and a poster!! well done!

keep it up, I'm waiting for some more to read!