Can anyone tell me how you copy part of the previous post so that you can put it into your reply post? That seems like a really good thing to know how to do as none of the posts have numbers on them to indicate which one is which.

As far as "JustMe" said, I agree wholeheartedly. I just didn't want to get into any kind of heated discussion on abortion--you know, it is one of those subjects that can fire up a nice conversation in a nanosecond!

Putting our own personal view aside, the times in which we are encountering the story is a very conservative social setting. I can tell you from my own experience in my family that nothing is more important to the father of the family than his children. His children are more important than his wife--not that he doesn't love her and that he's not devoted to her--he is, but children are on a whole other level. Part of that attitude comes from most Italians being Catholic back then (and even now to some degree), and the Italian culture itself. To go to Rome today is a very different experience than what you would expect. It is very frowned upon for women to wear skimpy clothing--especially around the Vatican. In the Island country of Malta, just off the Italian coast, (another very Catholic country) women aren't allowed to wear sleeveless blouses! I have a friend who is Maltan and has visited family there on many occasions. She told me some things that were just outrageous--that is, from an American perspective! Police would arrest a woman if she were to wear those short-shorts or if she showed any kind of cleavage. Again, this is coming to you second-hand.

Anyway, to announce to your Mafioso husband who happens to also be the main Don, who thnks he is a very devout Catholic (very clever scenes in the Church when Michael is standing Godfather for Connie's baby boy and the shots of the Don's men killing the enemies of Don Michael! Just shows how utterly contradictory the two images are! And, believe it or not, those gangsters really believed that they were not sinning when they killed other people! You know, you can convince yourself of anything if you want something badly enough.

~~ Lolly eek

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."