This act is one of my favorites. I won't post another act until January something. Enjoy it:

ACT VI: 1933-1937

For two years Vito had been the ruler of a peaceful Family. He celebrated Thanksgiving with his wife, seventeen-year old Sonny, fifteen-years-old Fredo, thirteen-years old Michael, ten-years-old Connie and seventeen-year-old Tom Hagen. Johnny Fontante(now in his early twenties) was singing in the party, with his friend Nno.
And the Family Line seemed to continue: Sonny seemed to be in love with a young, educated girl called Sandra. But there was a trouble: Tom was interested in Sandra too. Two men(who treated themselves as brothers)were courting the same woman. The Don sighed at this.
Two days after Thanksgiving, Peter Clemenza came to the Don and informed him that Santino had taken part of an armed robbery with two other youngsters.
The Don was angered. He asked Clemenza if Tom had taken part of the robbery. The Capo said “no”. Vito asked for Sonny.
Sonny was brought to the Don. Vito yelled him in Sicilian, cursing him. But Sonny cut him short and informed him that he knew that he had killed Fanucci. Vito was astounded by Sonny’s declaration, but then(calmly) told his son if he wanted to be a lawyer or go to college.
But Sonny said:
“No. I want to join the Family Business.” He said. Vito shook his head. Then Sonny smiled: “I can learn how to sell oil.”
Vito decided to hire him as his bodyguard so he could stick with him, so Sonny could learn about the responsibilities of being the head of the Family. He then considered Tom. He called Tessio(who was Tom’s first communion godfather)to bring Hagen in. Vito informed him that he will help him with his studies and that during the meantime, Hagen would be his secretary.
Sonny and Hagen learned about the complexity of the business with Genco.
With Clemenza, Sonny learned the use of weapons in the backyard of Clemenza’s home at the outskirts of New York. Clemenza tried to show him the use of garrote, but he was dissapointed when Sonny showed more interest in the American revolver.
Now, with Hagen as his secretary and Sonny as his bodyguard, Vito taught them the ways of the business.
And for two years, peace reigned.

But troubles started on December 1935.
The affair happened in December 17th. An Anesstessia caporegime called Antonino Anestessia, cousin to the Anestessia Don and the head of Murder Inc. The association whose members were assassins for hire(Moe Green had been a very important member) was sitting in the negotiating table with Don Corleone. Tom Hagen, Genco, Sonny and Tesio were there.
The caporegime had made a lot of noise and had pushed the Corleone territory around. The Anestessias were stupid and were backing the Irish gangs. Don Corleone was going to negotiate with Antonino. Don Corleone wanted Antonino to move his men out of Corleone territory. But Antonino was a stupid man and after eight hours of discussion Vito left the room as he said: “Nobody can reason with this fellow.”
Anestessia, however, knew that phrase was a sign that it was his last chance to negotiate. He agreed.
But one day of December, troubles started.
The Irish gangs had been quiet for the last seven years, but now their time came. They reorganized themselves and received backing from the Annestesia Family, who were starting to show signs of rebellion. The three main gangs were the Redfoot gang, the Road Goblins and the Irish Brotherhood, ruled by Muldoon Fitzpatrick, Sean O’Toole and Patrick McBurn in that order.
Within days, they started to operate gambling, prostitution, picket pocking and car stealth rackets. Their ways were violent and they defied the power of Corleone.
One day, Vito arranged a meeting with the three gangs in a special club. With him were Tessio, Clemenza, Genco, lieutenants(who acted as bodyguards) Hyman Rothstein(now calling himself Roth), Moe Green(formerly known as Moses Elias Greenebaum) and Frank Pentangeli. Also there were Hagen and Sonny.
Vito told the Irishmen that if they didn’t change their policies and manage their business with sense he would have to take action. At the other hand, if they accepted the terms they could receive great profits from their alliance with the Corleones.
But the arrogant Irish gangsters refused Corleone.
He left the building making clear that they would not tolerate no more muscle. Vito left with the rest of the Corleone men. But they were followed by an Irishman.
When Vito was ready to enter the car, the Irishman called after him. Vito turned. Then, in a flash of a second, the man took a revolver out and shot Vito one time at close-range. Vito was hit in the chest. Immediately after the shots, Sonny, Tessio, Pentangeli and Green fired their own guns. In less than ten seconds, the Irishman felt to the ground, dead, his body riddled by thirteen bullets on his stomach, chest and heart.
Immediately, Vito was taken to an hospital.
Pentangeli was sent to inform Carmella Corleone about the attempt. She readied herself and the children. She cried on her room.

Fortunately, Vito was healing, but action had to be taken. First of all, Sonny organized the men and told them about the strokes that were going to be used. He organized the regimes and created his own regime. He distributed the territories and sent messengers to the Anestessias and the Irish bosses. The old tradition of Vendetta has to be fulfilled.
As a last issue for the day, he called Luca Brasi.

24 hours later Sonny got the message. The Anestessias defied the power of Corleone and the Irish will follow. Also, he got a message from the other Families: no war will be admitted and if the Corleones went to war first, they will do anything in their hands to defeat them.
Sonny had to make great decisions.
Sonny and Genco went to the council. They discussed for some time with the other Families. They didn’t made any arrangement. Sonny declared war on Anestessia and the Irishmen. The Six Families war begun.

After three weeks in the hospital, Vito could talk some words and move his head. Sonny and the rest held councils on his room. Sonny suggested their first move: the death of Antonino Anestessia. The hot-headed caporegime had broken his word immediately after Vito’s shooting. He was positioning his men on Corleone territory.
Vito agreed by nodding.

Two days later, on January, Antonino Anestessia went to his favorite barbershop on the central area of the city. While he was shaved by the barber, Frank Pentangeli stepped in the barbershop with Sam Roth. Roth and Pentangeli took their guns and opened fire at the relaxed Antonino.
They left the scene of the crime. Anestessia was left in the floor, his white cloth covered with three spots of blood.

For a year a bloody war ensued. The newspapers were filled with stories about killings and shootings. Tattaglia had helped with men and weapns and Barzini, Cuneo and Stracci provided connection, weapons and routes.
But it was not only war out there: Sonny and Tom were still courting Sandra, but Sonny was the apparent winner. Tom loved Sandra, but he loved Sonny as a brother. And brothers were first than women.

During the meantime, Luca Brasi had played an important role in the war. He had killed and sabotaged several key figures and operations of the Anestessias. But his role developed on the spring of 1937, when most of the important movements of the Six Families War begun.
Other key member was Tom Hagen who assisted Genco. Tom had some difficulties with Sonny’s strategies but he learned from Genco about their value. Hagen provided valuable information and background. Tom Hagen, too, was shaping himself for the future.

Late in the morning Sonny received shocking information: an attempt on Vito’s life on the hospital: a man had entered the room and was ready to suffocate Vito when a nurse yelled and the police was called. No wounds had made to Vito but Sonny didn’t want to take any risks.
He sent spies to the docks and received valuable information: Four trucks loaded with cotton were going to make their way to a Irishman depot. But hid inside the cotton were several pounds of opium. Fitzpatrick and O’Toole were going to be waiting for it.
When the truck arrived the Irishmen greet it. Suddenly, three cars pulled by and started to shoot at middle street, armed with rifles and Tommy Guns. Fitzpatrick and O’Toole were among the casualties.
The truck was hijacked and the opium shipment was sent to the sea.

Another affair Sonny had t o deal with was the protection of free-lancer businessmen(such as fruit traders, store owners, barmen, etc.) who were pushed by the Anestessias and the Irishmen. For the job, he sent Luca Brasi as the enforcer of the free businessmen area. The war of the Irishmen was coming to an end.
The climax of the war happened on April: Most of the Irish Gangs chiefs were giving up. The only Irishmen left for the fight were Patrick McBurn and nine of his men(three top enforcers and six foot soldiers and bodyguards). Don Anestessia had planned a hit to Genco’s Olive Oil office and McBurn and his men were going to do the hit. The hit? Three Anestessia men were going to take over the office, while two McBurn’s men were going to take the banknotes and cash by blowing up the safe. After taking the money, the men would set the dynamite for the office.
It was early in the morning when three cars pulled by the corner and twelve men came out. McBurn, the Irishmen and the button men got out. Two bodyguards of McBurn went with the Irishmen; Two of McBurn’s enforcers covered the near buildings while McBurn, one of his enforcers and four bodyguard waited outside the building.

Inside the building, the three Anestessias and two Irishmen trapped the Genco’s workers. Genco was there too. While the Anestessias covered the workers, the Irishmen will take the banknote and install the bombs.
When the Irishmen entered the office they got a surprise: Sonny sat on his father’s chair holding a knife. One of the Irishmen tried to take his pistol, but Sonny threw his knife. The knife went straight to the Irishman’s heart. In less that five seconds the other gunman tried to shoot but Clemenza---who was hiding behind them---took a garrote out and choked the gunman to death. The deaths happened so swiftly and silently that nobody heard nothing. There was the purpose: not to scare McBurn and the rest.

Instantly after the deaths, Clemenza called six men who were hiding in the basement. They were Corlone button men and soon they covered the Anestessias without any sound.

McBurn and his five bodyguards were waiting in the street. McBurn was calm---he believed that the mission was going to be a success---when he spotted somebody standing at a far end of the street. He wore a long coat and his hat covered his eyes. The day was windy.
Then McBurn recognized the man: he was none other than Luca Brasi and as soon he figured it out he tried to shout to the two enforcers searching the buildings, but before saying something, he heard the gunfire of several Tommy Guns.
Sonny Corleone stood with a Tommy Gun at the third floor of the department buildings. He fired again and the two enforcers were killed. Sonny had slipped out of Genco’s from a back door.
McBurn felt lost. He yelled his men so they could take their guns out. They did and so McBurn. Six men stood silently in front of Brasi, who took out two Colt 1911 revolvers. For a minute they were silent before one of the Irishmen started to shoot. All started to shoot but nobody scratched Brasi. He then, let out a loud war cry as he started to run toward the men firing at him. He fired both guns simultaneously. In less than in two minutes, Luca Brasi---single handedly---had shot McBurn and his five men. Their bodies rolled by the streets and their cars, wounded to death.
The Corleone victory was a fact. But they needed one more thing.

Don Angelo Anestessia wasn’t aware from the hits yet when he and two bodyguards drove to Don Anestessia’s favorite restaurant. After eating veal and spaghetti Anestessia and his bodyguards were ready to go in the Don’s car when Luca Brasi appeared, aiming one of his Colt revolvers to Don Anestessia’s forehead. The bodyguards took their guns out, but Don Anestessia told them to calm down. He then, tried to negotiate with Brasi, telling him about the money he could made if he joined him. Brasi acted as he wanted to joined him, but then he said that he wasn’t interested in the offer and before Anestessia could reply, Brasi shot him in the forehead. Anestessia’s brains and blood went thru the hole at the window of Anestessia’s restaurant. Brasi quickly shot one of the bodyguards and wounded the other one in the shoulder. He run a couple of yards when a car picked him.

Sonny Corleone was now the youngest capo di tutti di capi of all time. He had avenged his father’s attempt and had wiped out the Irish gangs and had killed Don Anestessia. The Anestessia’s underboss, consigliere and capos surrendered themselves.
Don Corleone healed immediately and after knowing the news made peace with the chiefs of Anestessia. The other Families followed the peace issues.
Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone had courted Sandra for two years. She liked Tom but she felt for Sonny and soon after, Sonny and Sandra were engaged. The Corleone future was brighter than ever.