Finally after weeks of rest I'll post Act V!

ACT V: 1991-1992

Vincent, Victor and Frank Hagen took a trip to Russia, leaving Neri as the active Don and Santino Jr. As the head of security of the Corleone mall. Vincent was going to Russia to held a conference with the cartel associates about the latest project proposed: The Alliance wanted to use Vincent's exportation trucks, junk trucks and the boats at the New York's docks to transport cocaine and heroine. The Russian had designed the black cocaine which was undectected by the normal security machines.
When they arrived at Moscow there were the news of the destruction of the Berlin Wall. The Cold War and the Communist Block were finished and the Soviet Union too.
The meeting was held in a business building. Augustus Corleone was the host. The Russian chieftain was Nicholayev Kruschekiv. The Japanese Yakuza chief was Tarakio Yamamoto; the Mexican chief was Amador Carranza and the Colombian chief was Pedro Ramirez.
Vincent introduced his men and talked briefly. His words astounded Augustus and the Alliance.
Vincent said that he was going to retire as the Don and that his retirement was going to begin within months and he wanted to arrange his last business with the Alliance. During the last months he will provide the transportation trucks, the police protection and the dock's facilities. But that didn't satisfy the Alliance. With Vincent gone they will lose their connections in America. But Vincent gave his last word.

Meanwhile, Santino was doing his role as the security man with sucess. Until he met Alice McKelly. McKelly and Santino had met as she went in a press conference of Carlotta Corleone. McKelly wanted to talk privately with Carlota, but Santino didn't let her pass. But Santino was struck by Alice's beauty. They went out some days. Eventually, Alicia became Santino's mistress.
Santino had a good time with Alice, but he didn't knew the true: Alice McKelly was a CIA agent sent by the Department. They had known about the International Crime Alliance. They needed more information and they sent Agent McKelly on her first mission: seduce anybody who had a strong connection with the Corleone and take the information. The end of the Corleone Family was near.

The next morning, Vincent, Hagen and Rizzi went to the airport to take the next flight to New York. When they came to inspection, the dogs detected Rizzi: he had a bag of cocaine on his baggage and he was arrested until Vincent paid the surtey.
When they arrived to New York Vincent was going to enter his car but he talked with Rizzi and Hagen about who was the one who left the cocaine bag. Vincent told one of his bodyguards to start the engine. When the bodyguard did so, the car exploded.
Vincent had his men looking for suspects.

Back in the mall Vincent called a meeting with Neri, Hagen, Santino, Victor, Clemenza, Tessio and Michael Graziella, the Corleone ally in Sicily. In that meeting, Vincent announced his retirement as the Corleone Boss and his desires to leave illegitimacy. He said that Clemenza and Tessio could split from the Corleones and make their own Families. Hagen would become the Family's lawyer; Victor Rizzi will be the manager of the Villa, the Corleone's only legal casino in Vegas; Santino would become the head of security in the mall. The Corleone Family power would move on to Sicily and Michael Graziella would be the new head....the new Godfather.

Six months later, Vincent Corleone(now a legitimate businessman) was having a party in the mall. Many famous people were there and security was tight. Santino Jr. Had introduced McKelly to Vincent. Vincent was aware with McKelly's relationship with Santino, although he dissaproved of it. That night, McKelly was radiant. Then, an attraction with Vincent started, but he tried to ignore it.
For two hours, the party went well. Until a car exploded in the mall. At the same time of the explosion, several men armed to the teeth and dressed in black, shoot and bombed the mall. Neri was capable of cutting down the men. Vincent was wounded in the shoulder, but he was informed on the hospital that the men were interrogated: sure enough, Augustus Corleone had been the man behind him. Now, Augustus and the Alliance were raising hell; the other New York Families had join the Alliance and a war had ensued. All hell broke lose in that week: the few illegal remains of the Empire on the City were almost wiped out. Finally, Augustus called a private meeting with Vincent two weeks from then.

Vincent healed fast. Two days after been shot, Vincent returned home and for a week, Carlota was with him. But she had to travel to Hollywood, so she traveled five days after Vincent's healing.
Alice McKelly had been Santino's “assistant” for the past weeks. But then, she made her move at Vincent. Three days after Carlota left, McKelly became Vincent's mistress, although she didn't had enough information.
But she was getting fond with Santino and she didn't meant any harm. But her mission was first. And love needed to wait.

The meeting between Vicnent and Augustus at Mario's Cafe became historical. Augustus and Vincent talked for a time. But they didn't noticed McKelly sitting nearby. A microphone had been set on their table(they were drinking coffee outside).
But Augustus had all palnned: three snipers had been set in three different buildings, all aiming at Vincent.
The minutes passed, and Augustus gave the signal to shoot. But the snipers did not responded.
Vincent ended the meeting, with an arrangement: the Corleones were going to accept the deal with the Alliance. Their connections and trade routes were now at the hands of the Alliance.
Augustus agreed. He returned to his home at the countryside and reported to the Alliance. He was informed that the snipers had been killed in the rooftoops: Vincent had been informed.
Dissapointed, Augustus put his mind to work. He wanted the next attempt to be an effective hit for the Corleones.

Vincent's wife was filming a movie. McKelly was having her affair with Vincent and Sonny Jr. Without being aware of the dangers ahead.


I'll post Act VI in a couple of days.

Giorgio Luigi Gambino.