O.K. I will start again with ACT 1

ACT 1: 1984

Vincent Corleone is celebrating the baptism of his firstborn child, Santino Vittorio, on St. Patrick's cathedral. His wife is Carlota Taylor a well known actress and a fund raiser to create organizations for child care. They had been married for a year and two months; the daughter of a powerful Hollywood producer---Charles Taylor---and a legendary Italian actress---Ana Maria Loretta. Carlota and Vincent met during a campaign for a new organization specialized in the care homage for the orphan in America. The Corleone had being major contributors for such charity foundation.
Vincent had suffered for Mary's dead and the retirement of Michael Corleone to Sicily didn't help in any way. But after three years Vincent felt in love again. The wedding took place a year after they met.
To the baptism came the major figures from Vegas and Hollywood...and also came the most important members and associates to the Corleone.
Fifty-nine year old underboss Albert Neri came with two of grand-nephews; Nicolas Vandonni, Michael Graziella's---Vincent's more important ally in Sicily---capo. Vandonni represented Graziella who was attended business in Palermo. Michael had lived under Graziella's protection, who had inherited Don Tommasino's power; along came Mario Casso, the Stracci's underboss. The Five Families had maintained peace for the last years, and the relations with the Corleone where improving, although Stefan DiCassio, the Don of Cuneo and Don Alessandro Barzini, Don of the Barzini were testing the Corleone's empire, and the Tattaglias were the next threat. Anyway, the enforcers of the families came and congratulate the couple; also came Alfred Dennison, manager of one of the Vegas' casinos; Armand Gacenno, the enforcer of the Bronx enclave came too; also, Richard Clemenza II, grandson of Peter, was the capo in Bronx and came too; Salvatore Rafael Tessio, the capo in Brooklyn. The Tessio family had hold the grudge against Michael for Tessio's death, but when the new Vincent regime came in 1980, Sal Tessio had being working for the Barzini's but left after hearing Vincent's proposition, Sal left the organization. The Barzini's were a dissapointment and their administration a complete mess. Tessio was a brilliant capo who would had being wasted if he had being still with the Barzinis.
From the Corleone blood family came Connie and his sons, Michael Francis Rizzi and Victor; the brothers Frank, Santino Jr., Francesca and Kathryn and the Hagens, Frnak and his sister---Andrew would conduct the Mass. Also, sixty-six year old Johnny Fontane, B.J. Harrison and Dom Abbandando and his family came.
Also, came Augustus Gaetano Corleone, Vito's nephew. Augustus---born in 1921---was the Corleone contact with the foreign cartels of the Russians, Colombians, Japanese and Mexicans.*
After the baptism, the party took place at the old Corleone compund that was being restored. People came to ask favors and Vincent held a brief business meeting. Clemenza, Tessio, Augustus, Neri, Gacenno, Harrison and Abbandando to attend some issues. First, Clemenza and Tessio would soft the security on their territories. It wasn't neccesary such security in a time of piece; B.J. Harrison would live in Colombia as a representant of the Corleone. His services as a lawyer were going to be minimal for the moment; Abbandando would not be the advisor, he will now be the representative in Rome in the Immobiliare investments. Altough Harrison and Abbandando weren't prepared for the orders, they obeyed. Vincent then presented the new Consiglieri, Frank Hagen who had worked as a Corleone lawyer in Vegas since 1976. Hagen---German, Irish and Sicilian---was a capable counselor.
Augustus was discussing with Vincent a proposition from the Cartels; the heads of powerful Russian, Colombian, Japanese and Mexican cartels made an offer to the Families: The Families will give space to the cartels' operations on their territories and they would need financing. In exchange, the Families will receive a thirty percent of the year results. Such offer would appeal the other Families, but not Vincent, who angrily refused to Augustus. Augustus tried to convince him, with the help of Neri, but Vincent snapped. He will not give his territory for the Cartels' enterprise. Augustus then talked about finance and politics with the meeting. He warned that the FBI was getting his nose more deeply into the operations. The new administration was dangerous. He remembered Vincent to be careful reminding him of Vito's early management to the Family. Vincent nodded and asked Augustus to stay. Augustus said “no” because he had business to attend.
Vincent danced with his wife and attended the crowd. Politicians were present.
Later on, Connie ask Vincent a request. Vincent said that he would do anything for her. Victor Rizzi had been the manager of the New Italy Casino, serving as an indirect underling. Victor was a capable administrator and an excellent finance man. Vincent said yes, although he had to discuss it with Neri and the capos.
Then, Vincent's half-brother, Santino Jr., came with Neri. Neri told him that Santino had came because he wanted to join Vincent and the organization. Vincent told him that he heard of his reputation as a brawler in Miami and Tampa Beach. He had apartments in both cities and lived with his wife and two children where he worked as a protection collector in the hotels. But Santino gambled and fight too much. He beat a man almost to death over a poker game. Santino was plainly ashamed and he asked his brother for a chance. Vincent told him that the would stay close to him. Santino would move his family to the house once owned by Sonny in the compound and stay closer to Vincent. Sonny Jr. Kissed Vincent's hand but Vincent told him that they were brothers and that he didn't have to act in the old fashion.
Then, Stefan Joey DiNardesi burst into the office. DiNardesi was the Corleone capo in Manhattan and had being showing signs of insubordination. He traded more pounds of drugs that surpased the Family's patron. DiNardesi acussed Vincent of the destruction of a drug storage in Staten Island. The storage was burned to shambles by Tessio's regime. He said that pissed in the Corleone's power and that he leaved the Family.
Santino didn't tolerate the man's insults and beat him. Neri and Clemenza had to restrain Santino. DiNardesi spat at Vincent's shoe and leaved the office.
At the end of the party, Vincent went to his bedroom where he slept with his wife. Later, Vincent raised off the bed and went to his son's bedroom. The kid laying asleep on his cradle. Vincent kisses his son. The screen says on Vincent's face:

Vincent Corleone
Long Beach, New York