Originally posted by belle:
... Maybe it's just me but if my husband's first words after finding out about my miscarriage was "Was it a boy?" that might be grounds for divorce.
You might want to take into consideration that Michael was not simply an everyday husband/father, but a Mafia Don. The Head of one of the most powerful organized crime families in the country at the time. The very reason he sought out and married Kay was to have children to pass his dynasty to. While I'm sure he loved his daughter, his primary interest was in having as many sons as possible for this very purpose. Just like a King who needs heirs to the throne. That is why (as Don Sonny has already pointed out) earlier in the film we hear him asking Kay if the baby feels like a boy. He makes no secret of the fact that that is what he would prefer.

And as for 'grounds for divorce'...Kay was ready to leave this marriage long before Michael was even told of the fictional 'miscarriage' (which was HER deceit). That is why she aborted the child, which she said she KNEW was a son...in the first place.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.