
Thanks for your approval Don Mikey and Pherdy! A rewrite of the GF3 looks great!

I'll give you a sinopsis of my idea. In a few days I would post my storyline more completly.

The Godfather Part IV:

Setting: New York and Sicilly. Sonny's time:1928 to 1938. Vincent's time: 1987-2001

Eight years had passed since the tragic night in the Plaermo opera house. Michael Corleone has retired to Sicily where he lives peacefully, leaving Don Vincent Corleone in charge of the American Operation. The Corleone contact in Sicily is Michael Graziella, Don Tomassino's former Underboss(B. 1931).
The Sicilian Families are falling down. They are between the police attacks and the growing power of the invading cartels: Russians, Japanese and Colombian. The Corleone are being destroyed by the cartels. And to make things worst, a new enemy has surfaced: Augustus Gaetano Corleone(Now there goes my favorite part.)
Born in Corleone as Gaetano Andolini in 1935, Gaetano was a rare kind of kid: he read books, especially those of Roman history.His favorite character was Emperor Augustus and when he decided to emigrate to Sicilly to "make his bones" he arranged false documents and became Augustus G. Corleone. With the chatrm and cunning of Vito, he was a pleasant sight. But instead of having the noble characteristics of his cousin, Vito, he used them for dark purpouses.

To be continued...