Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
I like the idea of the kidnapping, a re-write of Part III ?
Well... it's not exactly a 'GF4' since Mary's still alive, and so's Tom...

Don Giorgio:
I always like hearing other ideas for GF4! Though I'm not a big fan of Vincent, I would be glad to help make it better. I'm flattered that you think I could help.

I'm not gonna give up the GF4 I got goin' right now though. I'm liking it.

By the way, if you or anyone else has any ideas for some new characters or situations I can put in it, please tell me. There's gonna be a daughter of the old Barzini Family and (maybe) a bit about Turi Guilano... but that's all I've got so far.

And if anyone has any info on the Russian Mafia I could really use it. I don't know very much about them and they figure into the story in a pretty big way. Thanks.


"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington