Almost the whole of the story is told in this flashback, so TOM HAGEN CAN BE IN IT!!! YAY!

Scene Four:
At last, we get to see an older Tom Hagen! Michael and Tom haven't really been on good terms with each other since Fredo's death... for obvious reasons. Tom, who was Sonny's age, is now in his late sixties. He's bald and what hair he has left is gray or white. His health is also failing from all those years of stress and hard work so he's confined to a wheelchair. He's been living in semi-retirement. Despite that, he still has his aura of "Tom Hageness," and his mind is sharp as ever.

"A rare chance to speak with the god of the underworld," Hagen laughs. "I'm honored."

The two of them discuss the Russian problem. Tom warns Michael that he should be taking them more seriously. Michael writes them off as a minor threat. In Michael's reasoning, he ultra-rich, he beat the government, he's invincible. He also disregards reports that the Russians are making life hell for what's left of what was once the Clemenza Family in NY.

As usual, Tom's right about the Russians. Michael's new distrust of his lawyer and his refusal to listen to his advice like he used to in the old days, is going to cost him.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington