Originally posted by Turnbull:
[QUOTEMichael never gave an enemy a pass--not even his brother. That's pretty ferocious. Vito certainly was made consigliere by the Don, who even told him (in the novel), "Even though you're not a Sicilian, I made you one." But the Don kept things from--ferocious things, like Luca Brazi, who reported directly to the Don and never took orders from Tom. That tells me that the Don had some reservations about Tom's readiness for bloodshed.
I never doubted Michael's ferociousness, I was simply asking how he or the rest of the brothers were more prepared than Tom for this lifestyle, in response to Olivant's statement, because I don't think they were. If anything I think Tom and Sonny were the most prepared because they showed an interest in their Father's business from a young age.

As far as Vito keeping things from Tom, I don't think that means he had reservations about Tom's readiness for bloodshead. Vito asked Luca to talk, not to kill anyone right away. I always felt that Vito spoke to Luca directly out of respect for Luca coming to him on Connie's wedding day. Also, why would Vito trust Tom with so many other important issues, but not ones specifically about killings? Maybe I don't understand what you are saying, but I just don't buy that Vito would make Tom a consigliere and actually try to keep murder away from him. It's not realistic. If anything he kept things away from his children to protect them, but I dont see how he did this with Tom.