Originally posted by olivant:
Tom was not prepared for the endemic ferocity of life in the Mafia. In that way he was not a Sicilian. He also was not a Sicilian in that he was just not very cunning. Vito's calling the Dons together was, in part, a recognition of Tom's insufficiencies because he realized that the Corleones could not win the war and, as the novel says, it would take the Don's strategic genius to retrieve the family's position.
How were Sonny, Mike, and Fredo anymore prepared than Tom was for the "endemic ferocity of life in the Mafia"?? Also, Vito calling the Dons together was not due to Tom's insufficiencies. It was the smart thing to do because Vito wanted to avoid a long war. The most important thing was for him to get Michael home safely. Once Michael was home Vito knew he would do something about Sonny's death, but to do it any sooner would risk Michael's life.

We could argue all day about who is cunning and who isin't. Vito never doubted Tom's abilities. He claimed he had made Tom into a Sicilian. So to say he isin't cunning, is in my opinion, pretty weak.