Originally posted by annt:
I too, think if there is a GF4 they should concentrate on the "missing years". But there are the years when Vito was younger that we don't know. I want to know more about Vito getting his power. When GF 1 started he already gained power and in GF2 in the flashbacks with DeNiro,it showed the very beginning. How did he get from the butcher shop/deli or whatever, to the man of power he became? We saw him get Mr. Roberto to lower the rent for his neighbor, and we saw him "whack" Funnucci (which I realize was the beginning of his crime life), but what happens after that.

On the other hand, I realize sequels can get overdone and I wouldn't want that to happen. But there sure seems to be a lot of interest in one. Maybe with the right people (director/actors, etc) it can be done.
I totally agree you with this one. We should have seen more of young Vito (he is the original Don, hehehe). And I also want the flashback idea (must be nice to see all the cast back togethr but imagine the budget, hahaha) Its a thought though (and we can see how Vincent can run things, and I am sure one huge fan will agree on that I think if Coppola passes Scorcese or Steven Soderbourgh can do a great job (Traffic was compared to The Godfather so why not be in one).

"Life is so beatiful" - Don Vito in The Godfather novel
"My name is Michael Corleone...There are people who'd pay a lot of money for that information" - The Godfather