Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:
Were alot of people satisfied with part 3?No,not really.Thats why we need something to finally bring us to a godd close and not a bad one.

The reason (most) people weren't satisfied with GF3 is because it really wasn't necessary, and was only made precisely because fans begged for something to "bring us to a close"; result, despite the reunited writing team of FFC and Puzo, it paled in comparison to GF and GF2, and is often dismissed by the most loyal GF fans as "a joke". They had to come up with a completely new story, and it didn't work.

Are they to keep making sequel upon sequel until someone decides that it's finally a "good" close? No, FFC did the right thing.
Michael Corleone is dead. Brando, Pacino & DeNiro have taken their place in cinema history. It's over. That is, I hope it's over.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.