maybe bring Pacino back (if they can make him look younger...)

I would definately bring back Pacino. He looked really old in GF3, but he looked so different in real live, with long black hair etc. In recent films such as Devils Advocate and The Insider, he looked quite young. I think with the right makeup and lighting, he could be made to look 40 again, for a flashback between GF2 and GF3 and GF3 and GF4...

As for a director, if FFC passed it on, I really wouldn't want Scorsese to direct it. As i've said before, he's one of my fave directors, but his style just wouldn's suit a GF film. Speilberg perhaps?


"If you win you win. If you lose you still win. Theres no way you can lose." Joey - Raging Bull