Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
How abaut that Michael dies. There is a big funeral and his son is there to, than hes sees Vincent as the new Don and realises he is a bastard. He goes to another family and Vincent is being assasined an michael´s son is on the top. (don´t be mad if it´s a bad idea, I´m new here)
no it's not a bad idea. when thinking of a 'serious' outline for a new Godfather sequel, I often thought about possibilities on having Anthony transform like his old man to a Don wanting to avenge the death of his sister (who's killer was already shot by Vincent, therefor not a real good choice). it would be a big surprise after his opera-show in GF3, yet not such a big surprise since his father did practically the same, and his grandfather became a killer by revenge as well. that's why in my GF4 setup I chose Anthony to be "out"...

but it's a nice idea, MC14, welcome by the way to the boards, to have him whack Vinnie...