Originally posted by MobbingForMoney:
O come on!!You dont know what happenes in between there?Tessio never died and hes like 90 or older and he tries to kill Micheal,but Tessio instead kills Vincent and also kills Connie by sticking an orange down her troat,but Micheal coughs on Tessio and he dies because hes so old and fragile that he got a cold and died.
That would be cool...

I think that Vincent would make a terrible don and Michael (becoming his old self again) returns to America to take over his crime empire again since Vincent has squandered all the money on booze, gambling, and women. Michael becomes the most powerful criminal mastermind in the world (again) and does lots more evil stuff. Of course, he pays someone who looks a lot like him to stay in Sicily so no one suspects that he has really regained all his old power and the government never comes after him.

Everything goes well until 90 year-old Tessio shows up. It turns out that Tessio is in league with Hyman Roth who is still alive, technically. Actually, Hyman is now a head in a jar that communicates telepathically with Tessio. Hyman reveals that he was the one behind the death of Michael's daughter, and that he wants his brain transplanted into Michael so that he'll have a body again and achieve the ultimate victory.

Things are looking bad for Michael, until Don Vito reappears. He's discovered the secret to eternal life, EATING LOTS AND LOTS OF ORANGES!!! He had been living as an orange farmer in Florida for years. Together Vito and Michael kick Hyman and Tessio's old butts.

Now-Immortal Michael still secretly rules the world!!!

Honestly... that's what happened.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington