Don't take my criticizms the wrong way. I'm just nit picking I guess lol

This structure still exists to this day, as do the rules on membership.
I think they have become VERY lax on the rules these days.

It is only the top earners who will eventually rise up the ranks and become captains or higher
Ambition can sometimes be a persons downfall. Top earners are not always looked upon as being good (like in the movies) they are also looked upon as wanting to take someones job, which can be detrimental to one's health

It seems like you are writing more of a "movie" type of paper rather than real life (I'm not trying to be mean). It's just that in real life the structure doesn't really matter and positions sometimes don't mean anything. I'm jogging my memory here but didn't Castellano make Dellacrocce underboss just to try to make peace? in reality Dellacrocce had no power.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"