Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by MafiaJ:
[b] Mafia stories hmm, Oh Yeaa, I kinda got threatened by a guy from Sicily who is in the mob, and he kinda threatened my life, but you know, that just happens everyday. It was a very awkward situation.
Why don't I believe you? [/b][/quote]Because it is kind of hard to believe, but it did happen, I was very alert that whole week.

FortunatoParadise- He said he was the last ones in Sicily, I forgot his name, I think I have it somewhere, I'll edit this is I find it but he told me that because I think he thought I was in mob... it was a very awkward moment.

"To announce that there should be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people."-Theodore Roosevelt
"It's better to live one day as a lion, than a hundred as a sheep."-Benito Mussollini