I think the mafia will seize any oppurtunity that appears in order to increase their power again; but IMHO, there will always be a group of "old-boys", so to speak- a group that will always stick to the traditional values of the cosa nostra; traditional values that some of the others might regard as being a bit aged and old-school by now. But I do truly think that the mafia has such strong roots and generates such an appeal, shall we say, to new potential "recruits", that it will be impossible for anyone or any organisation to stamp it out completely. And no matter how hard the feds or whoever crack down on the mob, the public will directly and indirectly feed it supply lines in order to keep it from going under forever; in the demand for all the illegal things that turnbull listed. As Anthrax once said, you cannot kill what doesn't die. There will always be some corruption in the world.

Get a dictionary. Find out what this "closure" thing is. If that's what he's going to hit us with, I want to be ready.