While none of them are actually "great," but speaking within the parameters of organized crime, I would be interested to know why some of you have picked who you have as feeling that they were the greatest mafioso.

The reason that I feel that Lansky and Luciano were the great ones within the mafioso's world are because these two men revolutionized organized crime. Luciano was responsible for setting the structure and foundation for the way organized crime has been run for many years. He was able to bring the powers within the mafia together and form a "corporation" of sorts. Lansky of course was the brains behind Luciano. Lansky educated himself in order to stay a step ahead of law enforcement and his enemies.

Luciano had the knack for influencing others within the underworld to see thinkgs his way. Luciano and Lansky were the reason that mob crimes became known as organized crime. They were able to bring competitors within the underworld who were killing and robbing each other together to work towards a common gaol : making money. And they always made money for their partners.

Those two were the Bill Gates' and the Richard Bransons' of the underworld. In my opinon those two had the ability to lead and become successful in any business venture that they took on, be it legitimate or not.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.