Seeing as you know more about the subject, I'll accept that answer. Maybe I was wrong to link the Kray's with the Mafia as obviously there is no link. In terms of The Krays,after talking to people that knew them, i'm sure there was some honor or at least something in them which wanted to be respectable in some way for something.Unfortunately much of the crime done mowadays by small inferior gangs or people is definately worse as they dont care what they do or who they do it to.
But let me ask one more question to you Turnbull, you say there is no honor among thieves, which nowadays is 100% agreeable. But if we went back a hundred or so years to the original mafia, when Omerta wasn't even debatable, doesnt that in itself show some kind of honor. Even if its purely for their own, or family's sake?


"Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. "