Do you think the mafia would be in the state its in today if the Godfather movies had NOT come out? If the books were never written and the movies never screened, would it be as weakened as it is today?

I ask this because movies like the Godfather focused alot of publicity on the mafia themselves, which in turn i believe made more people want to have people in the mafia caught, and so put pressure on the government to do something about it?

Finally, do you think its a good or bad thing that the mafia isn't as powerful as it once was? E.g In the time of the Krays in London, while they were in essence bad guys, most of their violence or criminal activities was done for a 'valid' reason, either financial or some other gain, and the person involved 99% had something to do with them, i.e innocent people had nothing to do with it. But with them around they would control the other small gangs, thus stopping any needless violence. After they were jailed
any gangs here or there could do what they wanted (to anyone, innocent people included) and more often than not with no real reason behind it.
With the Mafia at the height of their power, I'm sure they would control any small time gangs which would affect their dealings or bring attention to underworld crime. Now with them declining, it leaves a gap for the small gangs to take their place, and as we all know, none of the more modern gangs have any of the honor or rules the Mafiosa of old have had.

Just like to know your opinions on this.

"Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. "