Originally posted by juventus:
[QUOTE]But Bonanno was the boss of his family till the 60's, even after Luciano died.
Yes, but don`t forget he lost power in the commission after the Joseph Profaci`s death in 1962, the Gambino-Luchesse partnership became stronger and Joseph Bonanno needed to do something right away. Another Joseph would come over to the scene, Magliocco, the one who would help Bonanno to make a plot to give a "Goodbye, Lilo" farewell to Carlo Gambino and Thomas Lucchese, I don`t how concerned was Vito Genovese or who he was with.
Magliocco appointed a top hitman, guess who, another Joseph, just to put a different name, right?
The Joseph`s maldition!

This guy is Colombo, but they trusted the wrong person, Joseph Colombo sold the plot out and rated on Bonanno and Magliocco with the commission.

Joseph Profaci died for cancer in 1962.

Joseph Magliocco was forced to explain the plot to the commission and was told to pay a fine and retire, he died later for a heart attack.

Joseph Bonanno didn`t admit anything and went into the wind hidding for a year or two.

Joseph Colombo became the Don of the Colombo Family.

Please, no more Josephs!!!

Pelé is the King
Maradona is God!