Well, America is the so-called "The land of oportunities" country, the country where you could improve and get good money, although there was an economic crisis in the 20s and 30s and part of the 40s it was much better than staying in Sicily.
Talking about inmigration, there was an important inmigration in Argentina(my country) in the late 19th century and the beggining of the 20th(including 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, until 50s).
Many italian people came here, spanish people, and other cultures.(Some Nazis came here undercover with the approval of Juan Domingo Peron, the president since 1946 and 1951, it was the first time. He was president of Argentina 3 times, the second was relected 1951 and was kicked from the goverment in 1955 by the Army, and was elected in 1973 and died in 1974).

In Argentina there is 60% italian people, 30%Spanish people and 10% the rest of the other cultures.

Pelé is the King
Maradona is God!