"If you have a lot of what people want and can't get,then you can supply the demand and shovel in the dough."- Charlie "Lucky" Luciano

"Everybody has a price."-Jimmy Hoffa

"This life of ours,this is a wonderful life.If you can get through life like this and get away with it,hey that's great.But it's very unpredictable.There's so many ways you can screw it up."-Paul Castellano

When I think of the American Idian I think of their courage,strength,pride,their respect and loyalty toward their brothers.I honor the reverence they share for tradition and life.These traits are hungered for in a society that is unfortunately plagued by those whose only values are selfcentered and directed at others' expense... -John Gotti

"God is my Lawyer" Vincent "The Chin" Gigante

Pelé is the King
Maradona is God!