Originally posted by Turnbull:
Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
[b][QUOTE]It'll probably be all old and shriveled up by GFIV
Never underestimate the power of Viagra. Look at Bob Dole... eek [/b]
eek eek eek

I: Who killed Khartoum?

How did the Barzini people know that the Carlo setup of Sonny was going to time out exactly right?

Diane Keaton's hair: What the?

What ever happened to Merle Johnson and Deanna Dunn Corleone?

How did Michael and Hagen get their hands on Pentangeli's brother so fast?

Why does President Batista's translator speak in English BEFORE Batista speaks in Spanish?


Why didn't Paramont agree to more $ for Robert Duvall?

What purpose did Grace Hamilton serve in the film, other than to show how lovely Bridget Fonda is? And, if that was the only purpose, then why not turn her around while she was getting dressed so we could have an endless Appolonia v. Grace breast war? tongue


Why is this even being discussed with Mario dead?

"All we have left is our friendship."