FYI: There are lots of causeways in South Miami. And like another poster said, they are bridges that go over bodies of water. There were lots of them in the Miami Beach area since there were many tiny little miniature islands off the main coastland. I can't remember their names off hand now, but there were about 10 or 11 of them all throughout Dade County (which is mostly Miami). There were less of them as you went up north because the towns up north were not as big as Miami. I believe Daytona Beach had causeways and so did West, North, and South Palm Beaches. The best place to go where there were very little people and the beaches were really quite unused--clean, except for ocean stuff, and very few people, was in the areas of Vero Beach and another place like it but I can't remember the name of it now. It was very near to Vero Beach. I went there with my sister one year and there was a difference of almost 20 degrees from Vero to Ft. Lauderdale! It was actually quite nice--a nice change from the monotonous heat, sun, and humidity. But, you had to be very careful because there were no lifeguards either. I think they may have already closed those beaches now because of people being stupid and getting hurt or dying there. I remember reading in the paper that one woman wound up getting stung by a very large "man-o-war jellyfish". Nasty little creatures.... He was out of commission for almost three weeks. I stepped on a sea anemone once and had to go to the emergency room to have the bite drained. That was a real drag...

So, my memories of my life in South Florida is very, very tainted by bad memories! But, I think the mid to northern part of Florida is a tad bit better.

~~ Lolly

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."