Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
I find it hart to believe, plawrence
I did some research and seems plawrence did a little more than just "know some guy." Here is the story (I'm sure DC will enjoy reading this): Many a moon ago there was a group of friends, Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Ben Siegel, Frank Costello and Paul Lawrence, which I'm sure all of you know about. But you ask, why is Paul Lawrence never mentioned?
Well around the 1960's America's interest in organized crime sky rocketed and everyone was getting copyrights on different mafiosos stories to ensure maximum profit.

So a writer decided to tell the tale of Paul Lawrences crew called "Full House" Well the writer gets his lawyer to make sure all names are copyrighted so no one will be able to write stories about them. The lawyer fills out the paper work on all 5 but somehow loses Paul Lawrence's when handing them to his secretary. Finally after 3 days he finds the missing papers and runs down to the courthouse to file them. But unfortunately it was 12:30, and all copyrighted forms had to be in by 12noon. Even though EVERYONE knew Paul Lawrence was apart of the group and all the evidence supported that claim, because the paper was filed 30 minutes late, the writer legally had to keep him out of the book. The book's name was shortened to "Two Pair" :rolleyes: :p

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"