Don Cardi, if my brother(I don´t have, I am the only child) or father got into the Mafia, Police or Army, they are in constant danger of being killed, I mean, they would be looking for death, if they were in those organizations, I know what the risk is, it is not the same to say I am a dentist instead of saying I am a policeman(God forbird!! Never in my life!), it is not the same saying I am a musician instead of saying I am a soldier in the Army, of course it would be awful if some of my relatives is killed, but somehow it something you would expect to happen if they are in the Mob, Police, Army or whatever the risky job you have, I mean I would be sad or upset in that case but that would not be a surprise, It would be a surprise to me, if my father is killed being a wine saler and not being in the Mob.
Don Cardi and everyone here:
One thing is if my father were in the Mob, Police or Army and were killed. if you join one of them, somehow you are looking forward to be killed.
Another one is if you are in the right side of the law and you are killed without reason at all,it is someting you would never expect to happen.

Did evwerybody understand? Am I clear enough?

Pelé is the King
Maradona is God!