Pappo, the definition of the maffia can be made very short:
"A criminal organisation"
That makes mafiosi themselves also criminal. Doesn't matter to me if they don't blow up tombes, or don't cheat on their wife, or play with the dog every day; cause they're still criminals.

I suggest you read "Cosa Nostra The History of Sicilian maffia" by John Dickie. Very good book.

I once had the same opinions as you about the maffia, but not anymore. This book tells you, without romantication, what the maffia really is, from the beginning in 1860 until now. Only about Sicilian maffia, tough. But a must-read.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.