Well... it's of course fun to think about that.
But never forget, maffia is not something good. I don't want the maffia to gain strength again.

While we all like to see maffia-movies, and even like to read about the real maffia - that is btw very different than how it is portraid in the GF - it is still a very violent, corrupt, thieving organisation. Or like Thomas Repetto (author of 'The history of American Maffia') called it: "The organised violence-industry."

We might lose one of our hobby's, but if I had almighty power and the decision to choose between a world with maffia, and one without it ... Not a hard choice.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.