He was supposedly involved in cigarette smuggling in Canada and allegedly had ties to the Mob. I remember reading that he was shot "execution-style" but I don't remember (or have) any other details.

Welcome to the boards, Deacon!

Edit: Curiosity got the better of me and I did some quick research on the net. I came up with a small article (copied below) on the subject:

Adolfo Bresciano, 44, was a family man from Vimont, Laval, who doted on his 6-year-old daughter and was known to be friends with plumbers and bus drivers he grew up with in Rosemont. He was also Dino Bravo, a star 20-year veteran of professional wrestling circuits around the globe. To this day, fans still recall his famous battles, which included a nearly victorious title fight against Hulk Hogan. Bravo's scissor kicks, speed, showmanship and powerful arms--which could bench 500 pounds--are still fondly remembered around the world.

But on March 11, 1993, he was just another fan watching the Habs play the Islanders on TV. He wouldn't see the end of the game, nor the Stanley Cup parade a few weeks later. Two gunmen, one wielding a .22 calibre, the other a .380, sprayed 17 shots in his living room, hitting him in the head seven times.

According to the Journal de Montréal, an unnamed Laval police officer claimed to have found evidence of Bravo's involvement in cigarette smuggling on the scene. All of the press picked up on the rumour and the wrestling hero suddenly became, in death, a lowly cigarette smuggler, in spite of the absence of a trial, conviction or witnesses.

"What the papers printed was bullshit," says Gino Bresciano, the wrestler's younger brother. "I feel rage in my heart, it really makes my blood boil. I never heard from the police since that day, yet I live for the day they catch his killer. I always wonder who really did it, a jealous husband, an old wrestling rival, maybe someone at the top of the wrestling world--that's a multi-billion dollar industry. There's no way of knowing. I'm powerless in this and I really miss him."
