Seinfeld's "The Bris", where Jerry and Elaine are nervous about being godparents. Jerry is "OUT" as godfather and Kramer is "IN". The show ends with the parents kissing Kramer's hand as the door on Kramer's apartment is shut ... a la GF1.

Also, Married With Children's "The Godfather" where Al becomes the neighborhood godfather when Kelly starts dating a local councilman. Al takes on the personna of Don Vito Corleone.

Al: (In a Marlon Brando voice) "Don't ask me about my business, Peg!"
Al: (In a Marlon Brando voice) "One day I will ask of a favor. Now this day may never come... (normal voice) But we both know it probably will!"

Very funny!

Napalm, boy -- nothing else in the world smells like that -- I love the smell of napalm in the morning -- it smells like ... victory... (Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore, 9th Air Cavalry / 1st Cavalry Div - Sept 1969, North Vietnamese Village on Nung River)