I got into Mafias because when I was 11 this nice guy that would always give me 5 dollars to go to the candy store and buy candy got shot point blank in the face with a gun while he was in his car. I was playing basketball and he was driving in the car with his girlfriend and this guy ran up with a bandana around his gun and shot him in the face twice and ran. I asked his brother why it happend and he said "He messed with the wrong people" and then in the news paper it said he had Mafia Connections and he stole a motorcycle from this one mobster and gave it to this other mobster and one of the mobsters friends found out who stole the bike. I was tramatized for a year and then I watched Goodfellas and then it led from there.

When you join a family, you're just like every other man in this world. You're were brought an offer you couldn't refuse.You were just lookin' for an easier life. Friends are bullshit when it comes to business, your best friend can kill you.