Originally posted by Lisabella:
I found this website a while ago. It doesn't have a pronunciation guide but I thought you might like it any way. http://www.dieli.net/SicilyPage/SicilianLanguage/Vocabulary.html

I also found a few Sicilian saying here http://www.ninegoodteeth.com/sayings.html
Thanks Lisabella, those are very interesting, especially the one showing the difference between Italian and Sicilian.
The expressions sta te bon and sta te bene (sp?) mean the same thing. In GF 1 after the baby baptism, Mama Corleone says to Mike “state bene”. In GF2 Young Vito tells the fruit vendor “state bon.” One of those expressions is from Italy, the other I believe is from Sicily.
Can anyone tell me which is which?
If they do come from the different places and the Corleones are Sicilian, did Mama or Young Vito make a ‘mistake’ ?

Foolish consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.