He pretended he was mentally ill for decades. Now, one of the nation's most powerful Mafia bosses is admitting it was a ruse. Vincent Gigante (jee-GAHN'-tay) -- known as "The Chin" -- has pleaded guilty to obstructing justice in a federal court in New York City. The 75-year-old admitted he misled doctors who were evaluating his competency to face trial.

When the judge asked him if he intentionally misled doctors, Gigante nodded his head slowly and replied, "Yes, your honor." Under a plea deal, he got three years in jail and three years probation. He appeared in court unshaven and with his hair unkempt.

Gigante could have faced up to 20 years in prison. He's already spent the last six years behind bars on a racketeering and conspiracy conviction.

Gigante avoided efforts to jail him for 30 years. He used to shuffle through his Greenwich Village neighborhood wearing pajamas and a bathrobe. F-B-I agents who once served him with a subpoena found him standing naked in a running shower, clutching an open umbrella.