Originally posted by GAMBINO:
but...how come I can't call it organized crime? I mean... I got couple of friends together, planned what is the best time to do it, and which corner of the club is the best to throw the molotov cocktails at. I think that there are some aspects of organization in this, correct me if I am wrong.
This is not truly organized crime. You planned it out and brought in other people, but that makes it premeditated, not organized. There may have been some organization to it, but it was not Organized Crime.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines Organized Crime as "a continuing criminal conspiracy which has an organized structure, is fed by fear and corruption, and motivated by greed."

Your hit was a one-time thing, there was no corruption or muscle, and it was motivated by anger and revenge instead of greed.

The International Criminal Police Organization defines Organized Crime as "the systematically prepared and planned commmitting of serious criminal acts with the intention to obtain financial gain and power, committed by more than three accomplices united in hierarcy and a division of labor; and uses violence, intimidation, corruption, and other methods of influence."

Your hit may have been prepared and planned, but there was no financial gain involved. And while you did meet the required number of people, and you did use violence, you did not do so to influence anyone, you did it for revenge.

So really, your hit does not fit the definition of "Organized Crime."

It was a crime, and a violent and serious one at that. And it may have been planned and executed carefully, but it does not fit the definition.