I think it will be interesting if people tell stories of something that they did that was organized crime...

Here is a little( maybe stupid eheh) story of mine;
I worked on an assignment for travel & tourism. We did climate graphs in class, and the kind of graphs that we did was the one's that you have to connect the dots... and the teacher said that the dots had to be connected with red pencil... I didnt have a red pencil.. I had orange... I asked the teacher if she will take off marks if I connect dots with orange.. she said no. that's what i did and handed in the assignment..tomorrow morning I get the assignment back with marks taken off for not using red pencil...I get so pissed off that after school I go to Home Depot and buy red paint for cars... On friday, at lunch I went to her white Honda Civic and paint the half of the car in red

I guess that she knew I did this... but she had no evidence

It was easy to do this because the parking lot is placed at the back of the school... and nobody goes to the back of the school at lunch...

Another thing I did with 4 friends of mine was set up a night club on fire with molotov coctails... I did this because 6 bouncers and their friends (about 15 of them all together) of that club on the previous night( saturday) decided to be tough and beat me and a friend of mine up preety bad just for complaining... here is a pic of me taken before we set the club on fire ...
http://www.vind-studio.com/~ivopixi/ivo.jpg ... it doesnt look as bad as it was...my left ear was fucked , and my jaw couldn't function properly for couple of days , on the back of my head there were a lot of bumps...1/4 of the club burned... the firefighters were there on time I was never caught.

Now that I have told you stuff I did, it would be very interesting to hear other people write their stories!

“The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.”

— Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General