Originally posted by Turnbull:
[quote]Originally posted by Snake Eyes:
[b]Have most oragnized crime organizations been having the same problems as the Mafia?
My opinion (for what it's worth):
Thanks to RICO (Racketeer Influenced Criminal Organization) Act, sophisticated electronic surveillance, and general slackening of regard for civil liberties, law enforcement in America has reduced most of the known organized crime enterprises to fairly minor status. The Mafia in the US is a shadow of what it used to be, the Russian mob has been reduced considerably, and the Jamaican and Asian gangs periodically get their comeuppance from law enforcement.
But, as long as human beings like to drink, drug, gamble, whore and cheat, there'll always be criminal organizations pandering to their needs. And, as you've no doubt observed, Snake Eyes, so-called "legitimate big businessmen" in big-name corporations have been amassing gigantic fortunes in illegal and/or unethical schemes that would make any Mob boss green with envy.[/b][/quote]i have to agree with ya there

tuaca on the house