thank you for your reply Mr.Montana.....I am often misunderstood because I dont explain myself properly or say things the wrong way. Also I didnt read the question properly I just sort of went straight to the poll....
thanks also to J Geoff for pointing out that you can edit posts because I usually forget to say something and have to write another reply.
Also Mr. Montana I agree that nobody is perfect...especially when it comes to spelling...until recently I was spelling Pacino with a 'h' after the 'c' and I believe you may also have mispelled the word Belgium.....I often have problems with English spellings because English didnt become my main language until I moved to Dublin...before then Irish was my primary language....anyway,
ciao for now

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis.

"We're all gonna be three little Fonzies - and what was Fonzie?!", "Cool?", "Correct-a-mundo!"

- Jules and Yolanda, Pulp Fiction