This topic has been an interest of mine since day one. However, setting the JFK movie aside, and all the rumors and speculation and just looking at the "basic facts" there is much to be leary of in my view.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly kills Kennedy; He is interviewed on tape and the tape is nowhere to be found.

2.On national tv mind you, walking down a hallway with tons of people around (you know there had to be big time FBI on high alert), out of nowhere comes Jack Ruby and blows Oswald away. Jack Ruby was dying of cancer (I believe) and knew he wouldn't be around for long. He died shortly after, don't remember when for sure.

3.Kennedy's route thru Dallas changed more or less at the last minute?????

4. Several witnesses who claimed to hear of gunshots from the famous "grassy knoll" area, died from one thing or another before they could testify to anything. And I "believe" a few even called the Dallas police to report what they saw/heard and were not asked to give statments.

Gosh, I could go on and on, but I won't. I don't know if it was the mafia or the government, but I do know if Oswald shot Kennedy, there were more people involved than just him. To me this has always been the "crime of the century" and I assume we will never really know the truth, but if we ever do, I hope it is in my lifetime. Ok, I have gone on long enough. :rolleyes: I suppose I should find a "Who Killed JFK" site. I am sure they're around. That's a day imbedded in my mind that I will never forget for some reason.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon