Originally posted by Luca Brasi:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by goodfellaoggie:

Kennedy's made their fortune in the bootlegging buisiness with the Mafia's and helped JFK win the presidential elections through Sam Giancana in Chicago. why treat the Mafia's like that? is that what they get in return after what they did with the Kennedy's? after what they did with the Mafia's, i belive the Mafia's killed JFK. if i was put in that situation, i'll also do the same with JFK.

Just remember GF that as much as we all have a fasination with the mafia they are all criminals that thrive on power, greed, and murder to get what they want. :rolleyes:

What the Kennedys did to them was no different than what any other mafia family wouldn't have done or that Sam G. from Chicago hasn't done to others and that's use other people's money or power to get what they want.

JFK used the mafia to get into office once he did he appointed his brother in office to go after them. So JFK betrayed the mob he got what he wanted and than basically said, "screw you" I don't need you any more. The mafia always talks about "honor" and "men of respect" there is no such thing in the mafia.

The Kennedys back than and to this present day are a legalized mafia family all their own. They have people killed and they get away with murder and rape (Ted Kennedy running his car into a creek with that girl and killing her,a Kennedy cousin was accused of raping a girl at their compound on an Easter weekend.)They are as dangerous and powerful as any mafia family in existence.

I personally don't care for the Kennedy's myself they put up a mascarade as GP put it. But I feel bad for the family as well as TIS pointed out their has been alot of tragedy in the family and a few Kennedy's where loving, caring people who didn't want to follow in the footsteps of their relatives. Jackie O and JFK Jr. I admired the most, Jackie did everthing possible to keep their children out of the spotlight and raise them properly. JFK Jr. was young, handsome, and had ambition. The american people loved him he could have been whitehouse material in no time, but I don't believe he wanted to follow in his father and uncles footsteps of politics.That was a tragedy the day he was killed in the plane crash. It seems that death and tragedy follow the Kennedy's, they say everyone will be held accountable for their actions when they die some will rejoice with the Lord and others will burn in Hell.

"He who fights with monsters should look at it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."