I respectfully disagree with both Guinea Gaurino and Guinea Pig; I don't claim to be an authority on politics, and can understand G.G. resentment (hatred) toward the Kennedys. However, I don't know that the Kennedys' "sins" are any different than any other politician's in today's world("Now who's being naive Kay? )and don't know if I really care. Maybe today the Mafia is not involved , but I am sure there "much" we don't know. It's very easy to talk about someone when they are dead!!!

For me the Kennedys (especially the women, but the family in general as well) have and will always be a sign of strength and inspiration for me, more on a personal level than political. I know it's been said before, but it is true: I don't know of any other family that has suffered the amount of tragedy that this family has and still somehow manage to find the strength to go on! Money cannot take away that pain or buy that strength!! God forbid, if I have tragedy in my life, I would pray for "their" kind of strength.

Also, when Michael Kennedy died from the snow skiing accident and hit a tree. I saw on the news an interview with the person from the ski resort, who was sent to the accident site where Michael and his sister and I believe cousin were. This man was no relative and not connected to the Kennedy's at all, mind you. He told the reporter that when he got to the location of the accident to help, Michael was laying on the ground and the others were on their knees holding hands and praying. I found this touching; a sign of their faith and sense of "family", both of which I hold in high regard. But then that's me. My heart feels for these people.

GP, my friend, I don't think it's UnAmerican at all to express your opinions. You have every right as do I. I even find with our current President, in watching all these political shows, if someone now says something "negative" about one of his policies, his supporters will say it's "UnAmerican" because of our current terrorist crises. I don't buy that at all!

Sorry for being so long and "mushy", but wanted express my views. Anyway, this is one person's opinion.

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon