I gotta admit I was fairly convinced by a lot of the movie JFK. Problem was that Oliver Stone was heavy on the artistic licence. I believe he even invented a few characters to bring info into that time period - that was not yet available. Also,
Jim Garrison's own testimony is suspect given his alleged links with Carlos Marcello. However, there is still one credible stuff in there. I believe that it is possible to do a degree course
in the JFK Assasination - run by Jim Marr - author of Crossfire - The Plot that Killed Kennedy. I can't remember which US college offered
this or if it still does. It must still be very difficult for people to countenance that the intelligence agencies may have been in some way involved.

I still believe the mafia had to play a part somewhere - that they regarded Kennedy's policy towards Cuba as being insufficiently aggressive. After all Cuba was at one time the mob's licence to print money - as illustrated by Godfather II. I am not sure this mystery will ever be solved as relevant people become few and far between. But theorising is always interesting.