Originally posted by Take the Cannolies
Did you ever notice Ruby shooting Oswald is identical to Rocco killing Hyman Roth? They both got shot in the gut on national TV.
Very good point Take the Cannolies.

Sorry to stray from the thread, but there is another link-up to Roth and the Kennedy/Oswald assasination. Tom advises Mike that killing Roth would be impossible.
"It would be like trying to kill the President"

Of course the movie was filmed in 1974, but placing this statement in the 1959 section of Godfather II is hugely significant. It predates Kennedy and Oswald in 1963.

It proves to a modern audience that Mike's response to Tom is not outrageous and that
"if history has taught us anything it is that
you can kill anyone" It proves how far Michael is prepared to go if necessary - to kill anyone.

Pure genius by Coppola in these carefully timed observations.