You gotta be impressed by the progress of blacks in our society. They turned the term '******' from a slur to a term of enpowerment for themselves.

Racism does exist within each group, but I am one that believes that it exists acually in greater capacity within minority groups rather than white people. Even if minorities do not look down upon other groups, I can say that from my friends in this category that they are on a 'racist lookout'; they are paranoid that white people are being racist against them while in fact, no signs of this are present. What I'm trying to say is that minorites distinguish more between races.

You better watch who you talkin bout; runnin your mouth, like you know me -----Nelly

Y'all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave
Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my face
Y'all some "well wishers," friendly actin, envy hidin snakes -----Nas