Originally posted by Guineapig:
Just remember there are two sides to every story and no matter how clear you make your point it still won't be "right" because what is right? what main stream society believes in ? you talk about people not being able to think for themselves Schindler had his factory and saved Jews bought their lives. Dean you say you're not racist but use a degrading "REDNECKS" which doesn't necessarily mean you're racist against REDNECKS but using a term to put them down advocates looking down upon them. Just about all of the wars we had we're for selfish reasons leaders have men killed. What are you going to do ? Flee?( Don't want to get into politics) No matter how angry people get or how annoyed they get w/ other peoples opinions you're not getting anywhere until you touch the physical world. Both world war were basically caused by jews you could say that,... then you could say they were caused by the Germans and the Nazi party ...two sides to every story. The English knew what went on on those "consentration camps" but what did they do they did nothing. Nothing at all they waited untill the Americans decided to interfere w/ them.

topics like this only tend to cause trouble, why b/c ppl believe different things this is a message board. No matter how hard people explain things or their opinions no matter how much it's discussed people we'll all still cling to our opinions like a child cling's to her mother for dear life. look at how far from the original question this topic has gone... it started w/ are Mafia members racist? to discussing the war. Why? Because some ppl felt the need to give opinions that have been arbitrally beaten into them. But then again you could say people can't think for themselves... why would you say that? b/c you don't agree w/ it.

P.S i'm sry for being so long winded and this is most likely the most boring post i have on this board, but i tried to abridge and cut a few corners.


pls let this topic die :rolleyes: .
My apologies (sincerely) for using the term 'REDNECKS',that was totally out of order,actually makes me sound hypocritical ,but i've got to agree we should let this topic go before everyone falls out with one another!!!
But i've just got one question for Guineapig!, what did you mean when you wrote' the English did nothing until the Americans decided to interfere with them??????????

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