This stuff shouldn't be touchy if we take a step back and see how silly it is. The definition of "race" itself is nothing but a social construct. It's whatever you want it to be based on your own society/culture. It exists because people say it does, not because it has any scientific basis.

A truely scientific way to classify people would be to look at similarities/differences among dna or human genome of large groups of people. It is ironic that this thread is about sicilians because as a group, sicilians probably are closer genetically to africans than other europeans. And Europeans, genetically, are probably closer to Africans than to Native Americans. While Native Americans are probably closer genetically to asians.

Also, by some estimates about 20% of Americans that call themselves "white" actually have african ancenstry. (i.e. partially as a result of mixed race people that could 'pass', mixing in with "whites").

Hence, with advances in technology, this argument will one day become moot. Then, we'll have to stick to hating based on religion.

"A refusal is not the act of a friend"